We’ve got qualifications for just about anywhere you’d like to install a quality modular elevator. We meet the standard for elevator construction in any jurisdiction, and our elevators can be found in 34 states and 4 provinces in the United States and Canada. If we haven’t installed one in your state, it’s just because you haven’t ordered one yet!
All Phoenix Modular Elevators are:
- Compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
- Compliant with ASME A17.1/CSA B44 (2004, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, or 2019 depending on the state or province requirements), along with any additional state or local additional requirements.
- All welding is in accordance with the requirements of Part 8 of ASME A17.1/CSA B44. Also, our welding and welders are AWS and CWB certified.
We produce elevators that:
- Accommodate an ambulance gurney
- Withstand earthquakes in seismic zone 4
- Withstand 150 mph (hurricane) wind speeds

We Hold the Following Licenses and Certificates:
- Canadian Welding Bureau Certified to CSA Standard W47.1 Division 2
- California Registered Manufacturer – Manufacturer’s Field Code 495
- Colorado Elevator Contractor License #CM-1-835
- Florida Elevator Contractor License #ELC878
- Illinois Elevator Contractor License #IL04211
- Indiana Elevator Contractor License #CI102201
- Iowa Contractor License #C139270
- Los Angeles Certificate of Approval — Quality Control Technician
- Los Angeles Department of Building & Safety Certificate of Approval – Fabricator License #FB03024
- Maryland Elevator Contractor License #F20828737
- Massachusetts Modular Building Manufacturer
- Missouri Elevator Contractor License #8
- Ohio Industrialized Unit Manufacturer
- Texas Elevator Contractor License #20443
- Virginia Modular Building Manufacturer
- Washington DC Elevator Contractor License #ELC2002036
- Wisconsin License #1525470